Pensio Power & Pensio Global
All About Pensio
Pensio operates in Canada and the United States. Pensio offers a suite of product guarantees in the North American market. Pensio’s contractual obligations to our clients are not insurance.
Pensio Power Deposit Services Guarantee (Canada) Disclosure
The Pensio Power Deposit Services Guarantee in Canada is not insurance. Pensio's Indemnity in respect of the Pensio Power Deposit Services Guarantee Certificate is not triggered by any specific insurance peril.
Pensio Power Deposit Services Guarantee Payment of Demands (Canada)
In the event of loss, the guaranteed party must first to submit a valid demand to Pensio at info@pensiopower.com and in the event Pensio fails to perform its obligations following your notice to Pensio, the guaranteed party may submit a valid surety claim to Pensio’s insurance broker named in the Pensio Power Deposit Services Guarantee Certificate.
Purchase Power Deposit Guarantee Program (USA) Disclosure
The Pensio Power Deposit Services Guarantee Certificate is not insurance. Pensio's Indemnity in respect of the Pensio Power Deposit Services Guarantee is not triggered by any specific insurance peril.
Pensio Power Deposit Services Guarantee Payment of Demands (USA)
In the event of a loss, the guaranteed party must first submit a valid demand to Pensio at info@pensiopower.com.